Jeff Garrison
Bluemont and Mayberry Churches
June 13, 2021
Hebrews 13:7-14
Thoughts at the Beginning of Worship
In preparation for today’s worship, I found myself rereading portions of Joseph Small’s wonderful book, Flawed Church, Faithful God. I like the title, for it accurately describes our situation. Toward the end of the book, he addresses the situation many churches find themselves in today:
Churches in America today are anxious, not hopeful. The prospect of institutional decline leads to a frantic succession of vision statements, strategic plans, measurable objectives, and the displacement of outputs by outcomes, all dependent on the latest management trends. Hope in God’s way is replaced by reliance on the latest fads in management techniques accompanied by official expressions of optimism that sound eerily like whistles in the dark.[1]
While I agree with much of what Small says, I also think there has always been an anxious thread within the church. But such fears have more to do with our focus on what we are doing or can do and not enough focus on what God has done and is doing through Jesus Christ. We’re called to depend on the grace of Jesus Christ and him alone. And we need leaders who bring a message of grace to us, not ones who place more burden on our lives.
After the Reading of Scripture:
We’re almost at the end of Hebrews. God willing, we’ll complete our journey through this book next Sunday. Our section today appears to focus on leadership. Our reading was bookended, in verses 7 and 17, with words concerning those in leadership over us. But there is so much more in this middle part of the 13th chapter. As we seen throughout this book, the author again circles around and brings back up topics he’s already covered.
Earthly leaders are important. They’re identified here as those who told us about Jesus. Leaders have the awesome responsibility to care for the souls the believers under their watch. It’s a humbling position and my prayer often, when writing sermons, when I am going into a meeting, or a visit is that God will be glorified and that what I say and do will not build me up but help build Christ’s kingdom on earth. Being a leader in the church is humbling. You must be grounded in the Word and in prayer and know your own limitations and shortcomings. None of us are perfect, including myself.
Jesus is our Ultimate Leader
The preacher of this letter to the Hebrews, after first encouraging his listeners to remember their leaders and learn from them by imitating their faith, turns to our ultimate leader, Jesus Christ. John’s gospel speaks of Christ as the good shepherd.[2] Hebrews devotes much of this letter to showing Jesus’ superiority to everyone and everything else. Earthly leaders will fail. Only Jesus is faithful day in and day out. He is the same, we’re told, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
While we’re to be concerned and responsible to our leaders, the preacher who lifts Christ up every chance he has, encourages his listeners to remain faithful to the Savior. Undoubtedly, there were some leaders at the time this letter was written, who preached some weird ideas of their own. God’s grace is the foundation of our salvation, we’re told, not obeying a bunch of rules and regulations concerning food and sacrifices. Verse 10 contains a terrible truth. Those who teach otherwise are not invited into the real altar, or we might say the perfect sanctuary where the perfect sacrifice, Jesus Christ, was made.[3]
Leaving the Old Behind
The author seems intent on us understanding that we’re leaving behind the old. Like Jesus, we’re to leave the city, which represents the old ways. Jesus suffered and died outside the city, and we are to be willing to join him and endure abuse, too. We know that the present is temporary. This world will pass away. We’re to wait and hope for this new city. While we wait with hope, we continue to praise God. For we know that God working things out.
While we have a perfect sacrifice in Jesus Christ, we’re to sacrifice ourselves for the good of others. The preacher continues, remining us to do good and to share what we have with those who are in need.
Role of the Church and Its Leaders
Our hope is in Jesus Christ, but this does not mean that the church is not important, nor does it mean that there is nothing more for us to do. Through the church, we learn of God’s grace through Jesus Christ. And through our lives and sacrifices, others may come to know the good news of Jesus as they see us life in a graceful manner.
This passage concludes with a second reminder of the role of Christian leadership. The author informs his readers that leaders are also held accountable. Then he concludes with a hope they can do their work with joy and not sighing. If they can do their work with joy, it will be better for everyone. Hebrews is aware that not all the work of leadership is easy or joyful. Sometimes leaders must make tough decisions or give counsel that others may find offensive. But it’s part of the job.
A Story about Learning Leadership
As a new pastor, I remember early on being visited by a guy whose wife and children attended my church. I hadn’t even had the chance to meet them when he stopped by this afternoon. This was before my first Sunday, and this visit made me question just what I was getting myself into.
This man had concerns. His wife was leaving him. He wanted me to tell her, offering scripture for me to quote, that she was to obey and submit to him. While he had a few selected verses to back up his ideas, he seemed to miss the point of scripture. This became apparent as I asked him a few questions.
Gradually, in our conversation, it came out that he felt it was his right to come home after a hard day’s work and drink a six-pack and smoke a few joints. He admitted to doing this every evening. He even admitted that when she confronted him with his behavior, he sometimes became violent. Without even hearing her side of the story, I was glad she was making a break. As their children aged—they were at this time an infant and a toddler—I knew this situation would not get any better. “I think I’m on her side,” I told him.
“You’re not going to help me,” he asked? He then questioned my faith and my commitment to scripture.
I told him that I would help him if he was first willing to work on his own issues. Furthermore, I told him, I certainly wasn’t going to suggest his wife and their kids remain in such a setting until he got his act together. He didn’t want to hear that. He cussed me and left.
Leadership is Tough
Leaders, responsible for the souls of others, often find themselves in a difficult situation. We are not here to agree and to support whatever people think is right. Being faithful to the gospel means there are times we must challenge people in order that they might do what is right for them, for their families, and for God. Not everybody wants to hear that.
Leaders Need Your Help
Speaking on the behalf of leaders (and in the Presbyterian system, we have shared leadership between clergy and Elders), we do the best we can. But we need your help and your prayers, and I think that’s the message of this passage. None of us, except Jesus, are perfect. Yet God works through us. For that, we can be thankful and humble. Leaders are important, but our hope is not in ourselves, in our leaders and institutions. Our hope is in Jesus Christ, and him alone. Amen.

[1] Joseph D. Small, Flawed Church, Faithful God: A Reformed Ecclesiology for the Real World (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2018), 187.
[2] John 10:1-18.
[3] See
So responsible…
Nice words ❤
Thank you.
Wonderful words, Jeff. I hope the woman followed through and left her husband. Take care.
She and her kids thrived on their own!
I love seeing how you prepare for a sermon, the books you focus on. My small input on why faith is on the decline–in my case, why I pulled away from my Catholic church–why does the Pope think he should get involved in my national politics. Spiritual people can believe in lots of government and economic systems. What I want from my faith leaders is spiritual guidance, not that other stuff.
Just me…
Getting involved in politics is always dangerous. It appears that most people are happy as long as the spiritual leader is on their side, but when he is on the other side, then they are furious. I agree that the church (and Scripture) doesn’t support one kind of political or economic systems and that such systems can be used for good and for bad (that’s the human dilemma)
Wonderful sermon. It’s hard to miss the fretting of “the church” in the news these days with the census showing declining membership. As you know, my own perspective is that of an outsider: one with great admiration for Jesus’s actual teaching and also great frustration with many of his most devoted followers. I would love to see less worry over losing believers and more worry for the state of the world and whether or not our acts – be they votes, social media posts, what have you – help foster the community Jesus was promoting. Where is our commitment to caring for one another? Why must so many be so hateful and dismissive instead? I fear they miss the point. Daily.
Anyway, I think that’s part of what you’re getting at here. The point is not to convert and wring our hands with worry over the non-believers. The point is to live as he would have us live. I appreciate that.
there is a book that came out about 10 or 15 years ago that nailed this. The title was something like, “They Love Jesus but Hate the Church.” While I think the church plays an important role, I also think the church has given people a lot of reasons not to love it.
I am glad I read your thoughts, Jeff. I am mindful to pray often for others and our earthly leaders. I do often ask God to increase in them daily as they decrease, and, look at others through God’s eyes. All these truths, I pray that God also work on me daily. I am glad you followed your thoughts for whatever our Williston discussion leads us too with God guiding our way!
Thank you Sadie. I am honored to have you read my blog and sermons! I do hope the Williston discussion leads to better understanding and renewed friendship!
That must have been a difficult and possibly scary interaction with the husband. I hope the woman and children are doing okay now.
Isn’t it just like humans to twist scripture to meet our needs? Unfortunately, many leaders in the church do just that.
They’re doing fine. The kinds are well into their 30s and have done well. Yes, sadly, we all like to twist scripture
We should pray for all our leaders, spiritual and otherwise.
Yes, I agree.